John Ratliff wrote:

I'm trying to use a grant statement to grant privileges to a user on a set of database names.

e.g. for some user k, I want them to be able to have complete access to any database named k_*.

I know this can be done. The test database is setup this way by default.

Here is what I tried:

grant all on k_*.* to 'user'@'somedomain' identified by 'somepassword'

It replies with an 'you have an error in you SQL syntax somewhere.'

However, I can do this:

grant all on k_db.* to 'user'@'somedomain' identified by 'somepassword'
update db set db = 'k\_%' where user = 'user'

This is how the test database looked in the mysql.db table, so I mirrored it. And that works.
But, can this be done in a grant statement? I was fairly sure I did this before, but this is a new installation and it doesn't work.

I've tried variations of the *. I tried k_%.* k_%, "k\_%.*", etc. None of these work.

I have looked in the mysql manual in the user creation section, but I haven't found anything similar to what I'm trying to do. The grant/revoke syntax also tells nothing. It just says db_name.* if you want to grant privileges on a database.

My mysql version is 4.0.18.


John Ratliff

You must have missed it. From the GRANT and REVOKE Syntax page in the manual <>:

Note: the `_' and `%' wildcards are allowed when specifying database names in GRANT statements that grant privileges at the global or database levels. This means, for example, that if you want to use a `_' character as part of a database name, you should specify it as `\_' in the GRANT statement, to prevent the user from being able to access additional databases matching the wildcard pattern; for example, GRANT ... ON `foo\_bar`.* TO ....

So, you need to backslash escape the underscore, and you need to quote the db name with backticks.



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