Mark Susol|Ultimate Creative Media wrote:

I've been trying to fine tune my mysqld settings in my.cnf on a very busy
server. It seems to be doing fine, as in the server loading. BUT every so
often I see the number of processes spike and then it sesms mysqld is
unresponsive through httpd and I end up having to restart mysqld to get it
going again.

Regarding the "I see the number of processes spike" phrase what "processes" spike and how do you observe this happening? (Oh, and Linux, UNIX, Windows..?).

If you mean the load average seen in w, uptime or top spikes, that is one thing. If you mean the number of MySQL threads grows suddenly, that could be another.

Tells us about your machine (cpu, hd, memory, OS). Then, did you enable the slow query log? How about binary logs? Can you isolate the SQL statements in effect at the time of the "process spike"?

Depending on what you mean I've seen servers broght to their knees by single inefficient queries that don't use indexes for joins or select criteria (where clauses) or use open ended like queries on varchar fields for joins, etc. Indexing join fields (keys) has dramatic impact on server performance, positively (indexing too much causes other problems, but I see that much less than not enough or improper indexing).

What settings should I be tweaking ?

None, yet. Let's nail down the description of the problem and then see if we need to investigate some query optimization.

Mark Susol


Robert J Taylor

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