Andy Henshaw wrote:

I have the following query that takes anywhere from 1 to 3 seconds
to run.  I would expect  it to run in less than 1/2 a second (and
I really need it to do so).  I've added the appropriate indices
and tried EXPLAIN and ANALYZE; but, I'm not getting anywhere.

   FROM   message, message_thread
   WHERE = message_thread.message_id
   AND    message_thread.thread_id = SOME_CONSTANT_NUMBER

where SOME_CONSTANT_NUMBER is an integer literal, like 16400 (and no,
I'm not putting quotes around the number).

Here are the two tables involved:

   message table
   Field       Type            NULL    Key     Default  Extra
   id          int(11)                PRI     NULL     auto_increment
   msgtype_id  int(11)                MUL     NULL
   content     blob            YES
   precedence  varchar(255)    YES

Not sure if this is the cause, but from personal experience (lots of rows and big blobs) consider the following:

Every time you search the message table the BLOB is being loaded into memory even if it is not being returned in the query.

Instead, break apart this table into 2:

message(id, msgtype_id,precedence)
message_blob(id, content)

Then select the row you want from message_blob from a list of rows from message.

   message_thread table
   Field       Type            NULL    Key     Default  Extra
   id          int(11)                PRI     NULL     auto_increment
   message_id  int(11)                MUL     -1
   thread_id   int(11)                MUL     -1
   contact     varchar(255)    YES

The message table has 1,117,213 records and the
message_thread table has 2,563,893 records.  At most, each query
will return 200 records.

Here is the output of the explain function (turned sideways):

   table         : message_thread      message
   type          : ref                 eq_ref
   possible_keys : thread_id,          PRIMARY
   key           : thread_id           PRIMARY
   key_len       : 4                   4
   ref           : const              message_thread.message_index
   rows          : 200                 1
   Extra         : Using where         Using index

This is running on a 2.2 GHz Pentium 4, NTFS File system, MS Windows 2000, MySQL 4.0.18. Each table is an InnoDB type.

I've tried a combined thread_id/message_id index in the message_thread
table; but, that did not seem to help at all.

Any help would be appreciated.


Robert J Taylor

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