

I have a Red Hat 9 server which runs a qmail/toaster software package.
It allows webmail to authenticate against a mysql db and stores mail
there too.


K, the issue..


Every once in a while, the web client just SITS at authentication.  The
client just sits there forever.  The login can take up to 85 seconds.
Once you are logged into webmail however, it's very very fast.  Another
note, when myself and my admin are waiting to login, it seems we both
finally get through at the same exact time.


I don't know where to look to see what's causing this but everything
points to my database.  A restart of the server  will fix the
issue...but that's just a workaround.


Hardware:  P3 1ghz, 3gigs ram, Ultra3 Scsi (Raid 5)


I appreciate ANY help you can give.  This is a production box and it's
causing problems!




set-variable = max_connections=1000

set-variable = key_buffer_size=1024M

set-variable = sort_buffer=20M

#set-variable = read_buffer_size=2M

set-variable = join_buffer=1M

set-variable = record_buffer=1M

set-variable = max_allowed_packet=2M 

set-variable = table_cache=1024

set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=256M

#set-variable = query_cache_limit=1048576

#set-variable = query_cache_size=0


Mysql   3.23.58-1.9

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