Lou Olsten wrote, "You do not have to put a user into
the system for every location from 
you want to connect.  Instead, you can use wildcards
GRANT .... ON *.* to 'Newbie'@'196.168.168.%'

or maybe 'Newbie'@'%.yourdomain.com'"

I don't know how to work with wildcards, but are you
describing something I could also do with echo
statements? It's a pain in the butt using the same
database on two different websites with different
usernames and passwords, like david_works and

For example, one of my webpages begins with the
following code:

@mysql_connect ("localhost" , "testuser" ,
@mysql_select_db ("world");

Could I replace that with this?:

$username = 'webhost_testuser';
$password = 'webhost_pass';
$database = 'world';
@mysql_connect ("localhost" , "' . $username . '" , "'
. $password . '");
@mysql_select_db ("database");

--- Paul DuBois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 7:22 -0700 6/2/04, David Blomstrom wrote:
> >I've been studying MySQL for a few weeks now and am
> >about ready to publish some databases online. But
> I'm
> >confused about usernames and passwords. I
> understand
> >you can create usernames and passwords on three or
> >four different levels, like root, database, etc. As
> I
> >understand it, "localhost" is the standard platform
> on
> >which all the databases rest.
> No.
> You can assign *privileges* at four levels: global,
> database,
> table, column.  These are stored in the user, db,
> tables_priv,
> and columns_priv tables in the mysql database. . . .

> >I thought I remembered seeing the password command
> in
> >phpMyAdmin, but I can't find it now.
> Can't help you there.  However, I suggest that if
> you want
> to know how the MySQL access control system works,
> you read
> the relevant sections of the MySQL Reference Manual.
>  I
> would not try to intuit it from how phpMyAdmin
> works.

Hmmmm... to make this easier to understand, let me
break this down into three sections:

1. What system do I have in operation now?
2. What system SHOULD I have?
3. How do I get there?

I put some screen shots from a program called Navicat
online at http://www.geoworld.org/userpass.gif

In picture #1, you see my eight databases listed on
the left. The tables inside database "world" are
listed on the right.

When I click "Manage Users," I see the following:


or more of the others are default usernames.

Picture 5 illustrates that all eight databases appear
inside each user's folder. So users can be thought of
as people, and each of these people has access to each
database, right?

Note the note at the bottom of picture 6:

"No privileges are currently set for the selected

So that's what I have. Now, what SHOULD I have?

I'm the only person using my computer. I don't
envision anyone else working with my databases, unless
I create some tables that visitors can add information
to using PHP add/edit forms.

I'm going to have at least two major databases, one
focusing on geography, the other on animals. I'll have
others, but these will do as an example.

Since I'm presently the only user, which of the
following should/could I discard? In other words,
let's say I choose "minx" as a new username, allowing
me to discard testuser. And "minx" gives me access to
both the World and Animals databases. Can I discard
all the other usernames, or should I retain one or


And what global privileges should I use?

I think I've answered the third question; it looks
like I can add and delete users with Navicat (so I'm
going to have to buy it! :)


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