McKeever Chris wrote:

MYSQL 4.0.13

I must be doing something wrong - I am trying to do a mysql dump and it keeps yelling 
that tables dont exist whenever I put a where clause in..
it runs fine when I leave the where clause off - any help here?

mysqldump -u root -p hotswap EmailDatabase_k EmailMessage_k "--where=EmailDatabase_k.Account='kvanoni' and" > kvanoni.db

mysqldump -u root -p hotswap EmailDatabase_k EmailMessage_k --where="EmailDatabase_k.Account='kvanoni' and" > kvanoni.db

if I make it just a single clause, it then says that table doesnt exist etc...

as I said, I take out the where and it works...thanks

Chris McKeever
If you want to reply directly to me, please use cgmckeever--at--prupref---dot---com
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