Version 4.0.15 comes after version 4.0.2 (15 > 2), so the version is not a problem here.

From the manual: "As of MySQL 4.0.2, to use LOCK TABLES you must have the global LOCK TABLES privilege and a SELECT privilege for the involved tables." <>

The LOCK TABLES privilege may seem elevated as it is global, but you can only lock tables for which you have the SELECT privilege.


Fernando Monteiro wrote:


My ISP is using the old  version 4.0.15a and have no early plans to upgrade it.

I'm trying to issue LOCK/UNLOCK TABLES commands at my ISP's MySQL, and I'm getting an
"access denied" error.

I asked them to give me the "lock tables" permission, but they answered this permission
option isn't available on versions prior to 4.0.2. They also told me they would have to
give me a high elevated previledge to issue these commands.

Is it true ? A plain user with full database (but no grant all) access cannot lock a 
table ?

Could someone please point me a solution ??

Thank you very much,

Fernando Monteiro

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