Doesn't look like my reply last night made it to the list, resend...

Hello Seth,

On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Seth Brundle wrote:

> 1. The timeout is set to 5 min, because of the number of queries, there
> are a lot of unused http processes that linger with connections, and the
> only way to seeminly keep MySQL connections available is to keep
> timeouts short.
> However, I have updates that take over an hour at a time, and the 5 min
> timeout will kill the update process. If I change the timeout to 2
> hours, Apache will eat up all the connections. Im a little confused at
> the behaviour.

Have you looked into a caching solution, such as memcached
( If you combine that with bundling your
update queries into a textfile for later processing you will be able to
buy yourself some time, however if you are planning on growing much more
you should look into a redesign of your system. :)

> 2. The other problem I have is that because I am rotating so many
> records daily and the queries are so complex and the tables/indexes so
> large, I want to keep the db OPTIMIZEd, but running an OPTIMIZE TABLE on
> this database also takes over an hour and creates timeouts on queries.
> At the same time, I want to get the optimize done as soon as possible.
> Again, a separate server would solve this problem, but I am really
> struggling for a way to not do that - as much as I love MySQL, I really
> hate installing, configuring, maintaining parallel permissions on 2
> servers. Especially since MySQL needs maintainence so infrequently,
> every time I need to configure it it is like learning the entire process
> all over again from scratch, and I always goof on some little detail
> that doesnt raise its ugly head right away.
> If there is another option ( or maybe I shouldnt be OPTIMIZING every
> day?), suggestions appreciated.
> PS I do not have any problems with the query performance.

I would recommend setting up a crontab that runs every N minutes executing
a query similar to this:

sql> DELETE FROM <table> WHERE <where clause> LIMIT <limit>;

You say you have 3 million records at the moment, give or take 100k on any
given day. Doing a daily optimize at that rate is going to do you very
little good as MySQL reuses "deleted" records. Play around with how long a
'DELETE ... LIMIT' takes by adjusting the <limit> vs. how many times an
hour/day you want to run it. If you still want your table optimized every
so often, try doing it only every Sunday morning or whenever the database
activity is low. :)

Flying Crocodile Inc, Junior Unix Systems Administrator

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