Frank Bax wrote:

At 08:25 PM 6/8/04, Frank Bax wrote:

According to the docs, one of the first things I'm supposed to do is give root a password:

shell> mysql -u root mysql
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR [EMAIL PROTECTED]('new_password');

I did that and now I get:
# mysql --user=root --password=new_password
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

I know I'm typing my password correctly, because I can see what I typed in ~/.mysql_history

Now what do I do?

insert a \ before special characters (like $) in password.

Better yet, just use `mysql -u root -p`. MySQL will prompt you for the password, so you won't have to escape special chars, and someone running ps won't see your password.


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