Has anyone seen a post on this issue? If not, can anyone offer any advice?


I have a TBL of users and I have created a search screen where you can type
in first or last name and it will retrieve the appropriate records. Here is
the statement:


"Select * from STUDENTS WHERE FName LIKE '%" .$_REQUEST['searchit']. "%' OR
LName LIKE '%" .$_REQUEST['searchit']. "%' OR  idStudent LIKE '%"
.$_REQUEST['searchit']. "%'"


The statement works great for the most part. However, it is a bit sporadic.
For example, I type in my name (because I know I am in the DB and it will
NOT pull back any results. I even ran this command from the UNIX box
directly and it will not work.


So I have another page which pulls ALL records from another TBL and joins
the USER TBL and I AM LISTED!! Here is the statement for that page:


CAMPREG.idStudent ORDER BY LName;"


Again, the first one will NOT retrieve my name..the second one will list me
in the master list.


Help :-)


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