
Am having a bit of a problem with using IF. This is the error message I get:

SELECT rac.name AS race,
IF (

el.entityType =1, ch. * , npc. *
FROM characters AS ch, entityLocation AS el, races AS rac, npc AS npc
WHERE el.entityType
IN ( 1, 10 ) AND el.containerType =6 AND el.containerID =75402 AND
IF (
el.entityType =1, el.entityID = ch.characterID AND el.visibility <=60 AND
ch.raceID = rac.raceID AND ch.handle <> 'Khan', el.entityID = npc.npcID AND
el.visibility <=60 AND npc.raceID = rac.raceID
LIMIT 0 , 30

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '*
, npc. *  )charData
FROM characters AS ch, entityLocation AS

What I want to do is select everything from characters if the el.entityType
is 1, else I want to select everything from npc table.


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