Thanks Michael - I was being a putz wasn't I!

You have a file of SQL statements. LOAD DATA INFILE is for importing a file of data (comma-separated, for example), not for reading a SQL file. You can do this from the command line with

  mysql name_of_db </tmp/updates.txt

or within the mysql client program with

  source '/tmp/updates.txt';


J S wrote:


I'm trying to load a file containing a set of updates e.g.

UPDATE url_table SET hits=3 WHERE url="";;
UPDATE url_table SET hits=2 WHERE url="";;
UPDATE url_table SET hits=2 WHERE url="";;
UPDATE url_table SET hits=2 WHERE url="";;

UPDATE url_table SET hits=2 WHERE url="";;
UPDATE url_table SET hits=2 WHERE url="";;
UPDATE url_table SET hits=2 WHERE url="";;

using the following SQL statement

LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/updates.txt' INTO TABLE url_table;
Query OK, 6326 rows affected (0.23 sec)
Record: 6326 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 25304

I tried SHOW WARNINGS; but mysql (version 4.0.15) said it was a syntax error. Is there any other way to see the warnings?

Thanks for any help. Is there anything obviously wrong that I'm missing here?

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