Dear All,

Still this time I used MySQL 4.0.15 and now I have installed the 4.1.2-alpha. I have 3 
problems with it OR WITH ME. Can anybody help me to solve 

I can't set password for users. If I set password I can't login into 
database, I get the next message:
        '1251 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested 
by server; consider upgrading MySQL client'
If password is empty then I can login. I have already tried to run 
mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql script, but it doesn't help.

 I read in manual there is possibility to set privileges for column in a 
table. There is a salary column in operators table, which should be hidden 
for a simply user. If I set select privilege for operators table then I 
see all columns in spite of revoking all privilege at salary column. But 
if I revoke all from operators table and set select to the other columns, 
I can't see the operator table. I hope you can understand it.
I use MySQL Front 2.4, but I tried 3.1 too.

When I use the next multi-delete query I see it deletes data only from od 
and dd tables. Why doesn't it delete from pd table?

DELETE pd, od, dd
FROM prod_data as pd 
left join operator_data as od on
left join downtime_data as dd on

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Gabor Kozari

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