Thanks Shawn you ahve been very hyelpful indeed and have helped clarify my
thoughts on finding a solution for this problem of 2 structurally different

The first DB is SQL and holds all compnay data the second is MySQLand holds all
website products which are snippets from the SQL what I need to do is pull the
main fields from the SQL and insert them inot the MySQL.

However, and there is always a however they are structurally very different, so
my theory was set a structure for the MySQL pull records from the SQL and rename
the fields and then insert into the MySQL... but the insert would have to be
inot 3 tables as there are some joins with products_id and a category_id so its
not that straightforward.... the alternative is to print off the records from
the SQL and typoe them all in by hand into the MySQL  which doesn't sound like
the 21st century!

I guess I just need a insert that will read a CSV file is that possible? 3
tables on one line?

this is the structure of the 3 tables

# Table structure for table `products`

CREATE TABLE `products` (
  `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `products_quantity` int(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_model` varchar(12) default NULL,
  `products_image` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_med` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_lrg` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_sm_1` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_xl_1` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_sm_2` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_xl_2` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_sm_3` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_xl_3` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_sm_4` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_xl_4` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_sm_5` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_xl_5` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_sm_6` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_image_xl_6` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_bimage` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',
  `products_moq` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `products_pppack` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  `products_date_added` datetime default NULL,
  `products_last_modified` datetime default NULL,
  `products_date_available` datetime default NULL,
  `products_weight` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  `products_status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_tax_class_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `manufacturers_id` int(11) default NULL,
  `products_ordered` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`products_id`),
  KEY `idx_products_date_added` (`products_date_added`)

# Dumping data for table `products`

INSERT INTO `products` VALUES (1, 5000, 'sytlenumber0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
'2.0000', '30', '5', '2004-06-15 15:49:37', NULL, NULL, '4.00', 1, 0, 0, 0);

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Table structure for table `products_description`

CREATE TABLE `products_description` (
  `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `language_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  `products_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  `products_description` text,
  `products_url` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `products_viewed` int(5) default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`products_id`,`language_id`),
  KEY `products_name` (`products_name`)

# Dumping data for table `products_description`

INSERT INTO `products_description` VALUES (1, 1, 'test name', 'html table that
could be an image!', '', 0);
INSERT INTO `products_description` VALUES (1, 2, '', '', '', 0);
INSERT INTO `products_description` VALUES (1, 3, '', '', '', 0);

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Table structure for table `products_to_categories`

CREATE TABLE `products_to_categories` (
  `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `categories_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`products_id`,`categories_id`)

# Dumping data for table `products_to_categories`

INSERT INTO `products_to_categories` VALUES (1, 28);


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: 15 June 2004 13:38
>Subject: RE: odbc reverse
>To be honest, there are probably hundreds of workable solutions to the
>*very* generic problem of moving data from one database to another. Using
>an ODBC driver (or drivers) would definitely be an option. One of the
>simplest methods is to export your spreadsheet to a CSV file (comma
>separated, string-quoted, one-row per line) then use the bulk import
>facility built in to MySQL (LOAD DATA INFILE...).
>It all depends on what you need as far as connectivity. Which solutions
>meet your design requirement I cannot guess as you have told us very little
>about your situation. I recommended you read up on the MS documentation of
>OLE DB, ADO, ODBC, VBA, and the product Excel as some combination of those
>will allow you to create and keep a "live" connection to your data. If you
>do not need interactive database connectivity, try the bulk export/bulk
>import method I described earlier.
>Sorry I wasn't more help.  :-( ,
>Shawn Green
>Database Administrator
>Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
>                      "Business A2Z"
>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
>            >                 cc:
>                      06/14/2004 05:58         Fax to:
>                      PM                       Subject:  RE: odbc
>                      Please respond to
>                      info
>Ok final question on this for today, is it possible to move data into MySQL
>through odbc from excel or any other data source come to think of it?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: 14 June 2004 21:52
>>Subject: RE: odbc reverse
>>It seems to me that you are trying to use EXCEL as some type of live data
>>entry form.  That would require "binding" an excel sheet to your data
>>source (through ADO through ODBC to the MySQL server). There are many
>>examples of this type of binding. You didn't say, but I assume that your
>>EXCEL is running on a windows platform.
>>May I politely refer you to the Microsoft Developers Network site. I am
>>sure you will find some specific examples of binding Excel to various
>>databases. It should be the matter of a change or two to modify one of
>>their examples  so that you are using MySQL and not MSSQL or Access as
>>data source.  You may have to search on several different terms, though.
>>That site has a **LOT** of information but it's not always where you
>>logically think it should be.
>>Sorry I can't be more helpful but I haven't  used EXCEL+ADO+ODBC to bind
>>a live dataset in a VERY long time and I am sure to say the wrong thing.
>>                      "Business A2Z"
>>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
>>            >                 cc:       "MySQL-Lista"
>>                                               Fax to:
>>                      06/14/2004 04:30         Subject:  RE: odbc
>>                      PM
>>                      Please respond to
>>                      info
>>Thanks you for repying, I was expecting a reply such as this and I am not
>>prpared fully, here goes.
>>I assumed that the ease with which data can be pulled using Myodbc from
>>and chnaged within excel could simple be used to 'UPDATE' the selected
>>recordset.  Clearly this is not the case.
>>I am working with oscommerce and as many people have no doubted fund the
>>frustrating aspect of updating and adding many records (records that
>>exist in another DB excel for instance)  So, I want to pull the records
>>from my
>>orginal source (its a SQL server but the application is bespoke) inot
>>then use a similar conncetion as odbc to update MySQL?  Is this
>>I am going to guess that it is and that I am going to have to create a
>>manual 'UPDATE' query for the product tables ... alas there are more
>>joins so this is where the fun will begin.
>>If I have this completely incorrect please do let me know, as I was
>>thinking of
>>something else called data transfer method
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>Sent: 14 June 2004 20:56
>>>Cc: MySQL-Lista
>>>Subject: Re: odbc reverse
>>>I don't have enough information to answer your question.  What platform
>>>you on? What language/DB library are you using to call the ODBC driver?
>>>answers you seek may be in the documentation for the particular
>>>language-library combination you are using.
>>>Eventually it all boils down to 3 different SQL commands: SELECT, INSERT,
>>>and UPDATE.
>>>Please give us more details so that we can understand what you are trying
>>>to do.
>>>Shawn Green
>>>Database Administrator
>>>Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
>>>                      "Business A2Z"
>>>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       "MySQL-Lista"
>>>            >                 cc:
>>>                                               Fax to:
>>>                      06/14/2004 03:45         Subject:  odbc reverse
>>>                      PM
>>>                      Please respond to
>>>                      info
>>>Hi All
>>>I have a puzzle or more like a mental block that needs some sensible
>>>inputs please.
>>>If I odbc inot mysql and pull out records and make chnages how do I put
>>>changes back into mysql ?
>>>Hope there is a simple response to this
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