To start with I have tried to use "mysqlbug" but it doesn't work, when I go to the scripts directory in the command prompt window (c:\mysql\scripts) and type mysqlbug and hit enter it just says it is not recognized as "anything".
I have as a reference Welling and Thomsons book "MYSQL Tutorial" and have followed their instructions regarding installation but things are not happening as they describe.
I have downloaded both versions twice or three times each and installed/uninstalled re-installed many times trying to get it to work.
The most significant single issue seems to be that the server begins to run when I type in "standalone" and then when I type "install" it says it is already installed.
I look in services (XP Admin) and It is there but not started, when I start it there it won't - "there is already a service running". If I close it (mysqld-max.exe) in task manager, the services window will allow me to start it. the service can be running but not showing as so in the services dialog. It can also be runnning and not listed at all in services.
In 4.1.2 particularly it installed without being able to recognize the [EMAIL PROTECTED] user - I could not set a password nor allocate privileges etc. I have configured both versions with the my.ini file suggested in the book (as follows)
#turn on binary logging and slow query logging

#InnoDb config
#This is the basic config as suggested in the manual
#Datafile(s) must be able to
#hold your data and indexes.
#Make sure you have enough
#free disk space.
innodb_data_file_path = ibdatal:10M:autoextend
#Set buffer pool size to
#50 -80 % of your computer's
#set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem=500M
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=70M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=10M
#Set the log file size to about
#25% of the buffer pool size
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=20M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M
#Set ..flush_log_at_trx_commit
#to 0 if you can afford losing
#some last transactions

Sometimes I could get  4.1.2 to install if I deleted my.ini.

The book mentions a series of startup messages when standalone is entered - I never get them - the cmd prompt(mysql monitor) disappears. I read in the manual that that is normal and to open another, this works.
The server is installed and starts when I boot up but isn't showing as started in services dialog. I've mentioned this twice because it seems significant tho' I don't know in what way.
At the time of sending this message the service running issues are as described (using version 4.0) but the set password function works (it didn't with 4.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] was not recognized) and I have been able to move on to creating databases and tables.
Should I accept things as they are or is there a fix?
Peter Turner
Melbourne, Australia

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