On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, David Blomstrom wrote:

> Sergio Salvi wrote:


> Separate data from how it's displayed. I mean, create
> a table called 
> "states" with the fields "state_id", "state_name" and
> "state_url". Put 
> the data in the according field:
> state_id state_name state_url
> 1 Alabama http://www.alabama.gov
> 2 Washington http://access.wa.gov
> ....and so on
> OK, I see. But I assume you mean <http://www, rather
> than http without the beginning tag - or do you insert
> that with PHP? It just occurred to me that I probably
> don't need to put </a> in the database, because I
> probably add that with PHP somehow.

I would add the "a href" HTML tag in the application and store only the 
URL in the database. Just do not remove the "http://"; and assume in your 
application that every URL starts with that because some of them may be 
"https://";. If you are space usage paranoid (hehe), you could create a 
enum("y","n") field called "use_ssl" and remove the "http://"; from every 
URL, setting the "use_ssl" field to "y" when the URL is a https:// one.

Do not assume you'll always display the URLs in an HTML output. What if 
you decide to send it by plain-text mail? Or output in XML to export it to 
another system?



> --- Bob Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Personally, I'd split that into 2 fields.  I think
> > that's a better way 
> > to model the data unless there's something I don't
> > know.
> > 
> > Otherwise, try this:
> > 
> > mysql> select * from url;
> > +-----------------------------------------------+
> > | url                                           |
> > +-----------------------------------------------+
> > | <a href="http://www.alabama.gov";>Alabama</a>  |
> > | <a href="http://access.wa.gov";>Washington</a> |
> > +-----------------------------------------------+
> > 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> > 
> > mysql> select substring(url,locate('">',url)+2, 
> > char_length(url)-locate('">',url
> > )-5) as state from url;
> > +------------+
> > | state      |
> > +------------+
> > | Alabama    |
> > | Washington |
> > +------------+
> > 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> > 
> > mysql>
> > 
> > 
> > What I had to to was to have mysql take the string:
> > 
> > <a href="http://www.alabama.gov";>Alabama</a>
> > 
> > and give me the parts between "> and </a>.  First, I
> > had to find the 
> > position of "> and then add 2 to it.  The substring
> > function in mysql 
> > takes the parameters string, starting_position, and
> > length.  Using 
> > locate, I got the starting postion and added 2 to
> > it.  For length, I had 
> > to use locate again; locating "> gives me the
> > position of the " in ">.  
> > Subtracting 5 gives me the right length after
> > discounting the </a> and 
> > the 2 positions I'm off from ">.
> > 
> > 
> > Someone more experienced that I can tell you if
> > there's a more effecient 
> > way.  My inclination would be that for best results,
> > you should split 
> > the field in two and build your webpage like this:
> > 
> > <a href="$URL">$STATE</a>
> > 
> > Hope this helps.
> I think I understand. Thanks.
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