Great catch! I believe you found the problem. Sorry about that!   ;-D

So... just curious... from the original 60GB of text data, how much space
did the final data require (including indices)?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

                      "J S"                                                            
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      com>                     cc:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
                                               Fax to:                                 
                      06/22/2004 07:55         Subject:  Re: load data into 2 tables 
and set id                        

I think I fixed it!

INSERT IGNORE url_visit (url_server_ID, url_path_ID, querystring,
SELECT DISTINCT us.ID, up.ID, if(bt.path_split >0, SUBSTRING(bt.url,path),
FROM bulk_table bt
INNER JOIN url_servers us
       ON us.server = bt.server
INNER JOIN url_paths up
       on up.path=bt.path

After this I ran the sql to insert into internet_usage and this time it
finished after 10m32.

I'll do some more testing and let you know how it goes.


>Did you mean there to be duplicates in the url_visits? Do I need to use
>IGNORE in the following SQL?
>INSERT url_visit (url_server_ID, url_path_ID, querystring,
>SELECT us.ID, up.ID, if(bt.path_split >0, SUBSTRING(bt.url,path),
>FROM bulk_table bt
>INNER JOIN url_servers us
>       ON us.server = bt.server
>INNER JOIN url_paths up
>       on up.path=bt.path
>mysql> select * from url_visit where urlid=1631;

>| urlid | url_server_ID | url_path_ID | query


>     | category     |

>|  1631 |         21720 |      630695 |

>| Online Sales |

>1 row in set (0.01 sec)
>mysql> select * from url_visit where urlid=1753;

>| urlid | url_server_ID | url_path_ID | query


>     | category     |

>|  1753 |         21720 |      630695 |

>| Online Sales |

>1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>Thanks for your reply below. I found it extremely useful. I have followed

>>your instructions and got good results up to the url_visits table.
>>I have a perl script to parse the values out of the log. The log has
>>3,770,246 lines and is gzipped. I then applied your SQL statements with
>>the following times:
>>1. Parse script: 10m31
>>2. Load infile: 2m39
>>3. Insert url_servers and url_paths: 5m38
>>4. Insert url_visits 9m50
>>However when I ran the sql to insert the internet usage table, it just
>>until all the log space was filled up:
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql    379694680 Jun 22 10:05 bulk_table.MYD

>>        <====
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       1024 Jun 22 10:05 bulk_table.MYI
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       8760 Jun 22 09:59 bulk_table.frm
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql    2114977792 Jun 22 11:11
>>internet_usage.MYD     <====
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       1024 Jun 22 10:34 internet_usage.MYI
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       8646 Jun 22 09:59 internet_usage.frm
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql    33437600 Jun 22 10:23 url_paths.MYD
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql    27696128 Jun 22 10:23 url_paths.MYI
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       8574 Jun 22 09:59 url_paths.frm
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql     646160 Jun 22 10:19 url_servers.MYD
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql     796672 Jun 22 10:19 url_servers.MYI
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       8578 Jun 22 09:59 url_servers.frm
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql    119076844 Jun 22 10:32 url_visit.MYD
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql    73026560 Jun 22 10:33 url_visit.MYI
>>-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       8694 Jun 22 09:59 url_visit.frm
>>I'm sure something's not right because the internet Usage table is bigger

>>than the bulk table. I changed your sql a bit (on the last line with the
>>query). Could this be the problem?
>>INSERT internet_usage (uid,time,ip,urlid,size)
>>SELECT bt.user, bt.time, bt.ip, uv.urlid, bt.size
>>FROM bulk_table bt
>>INNER JOIN url_servers us
>>        ON us.server=bt.server
>>INNER JOIN url_paths up
>>        ON up.path=bt.path
>>INNER JOIN url_visit uv
>>        ON uv.url_server_ID=us.ID
>>        AND uv.url_path_ID=up.ID
>>        AND uv.query=bt.query;
>>Thanks again,
>>>-------- welcome to a basic overview of bulk importing and normalizing
>>>you go ------------
>>>[ author's note: if you are seeing this thread for the first time and
>>>certain items seem to be
>>>introduced out of context, please review all previous posts in this
>>>There has been
>>>a lot of information already exchanged on this topic that I clipped
>>>out of this response. Thanks! -- SG]
>>>In an earlier post you said
>>> >The data values I have for each record are:
>>> >
>>> >user_id   date_time   size   url   category
>>> >for example:
>>> >
>>> >u752359   2004-04-02 12:33:04   3403
>>> >
>>>To me that implies that you have a standard text log where each field is
>>>separated by a space and rows are delimited by a CRLF pair. To get that
>>>into MySQL you will need to do something _like_ (I say "like" as you
>>>most likely need to tweak it to accommodate your actual data)
>>>CREATE TABLE bulk_table (
>>>       user varchar(10)
>>>       , eventdate date
>>>       , eventtime time
>>>       , size int
>>>       , url text
>>>       , category varchar(50)
>>>LOAD DATA INFILE <a proxy log file> INTO bulk_table FIELDS TERMINATED BY

>>>Now we can start merging the logs into your data tables.
>>>To quote RFC 2396:
>>>    The URI syntax does not require that the scheme-specific-part have
>>>    any general structure or set of semantics which is common among all
>>>    URI.  However, a subset of URI do share a common syntax for
>>>    representing hierarchical relationships within the namespace.  This
>>>    "generic URI" syntax consists of a sequence of four main components:
>>>       <scheme>://<authority><path>?<query>
>>>    each of which, except <scheme>, may be absent from a particular URI.
>>>That translates into 4 logical pieces we can split a URL into:
>>>1) the scheme -- HTTP, FTP, GOPHER, etc...
>>>2) the authority -- that is the server ( and any port
>>>or login information
>>>3) the path -- /somefolder/somefile.whatever
>>>4) the query -- everything after the ?
>>>Not part of the generic URI is that bit known as a fragment (as
>>>by the #) it is ALWAYS at the end of the _entire URL_ (including the
>>>when it's used. I have always lumped those and queries into the same
>>>So you could create tables for each of those parts and get VERY
>>>or you can partly normalize like this:
>>>ALTER TABLE bulk_table add server_split int not null default 0
>>>       , add path_split int not null default 0
>>>       , add server varchar(255)
>>>       , add path varchar(255)
>>>UPDATE bulk_table
>>>set server_split = LOCATE('/', URL , 8)-1;
>>>UPDATE bulk_table
>>>SET path_split = if(LOCATE('?', URL, server_split)> 0, LOCATE('?', URL,
>>>server_split),  LOCATE('#', URL, server_split)-1);
>>>UPDATE bulk_table
>>>set server=LEFT(URL, server_split )
>>>#those 4 new columns helped us to parse out the 3 major parts of the url
>>>#I added them to the table so that we would not have to keep
>>>those values later on
>>># if it turns out that adding the columns takes a LONG time, we can
>>>this table with those columns
>>># already created and just not import to them (change the LOAD DATA
>>>statement slightly)
>>>ID int not null auto_increment,
>>>server varchar(255) primary key,
>>>Key (ID)
>>>ID int not null auto_increment,
>>>path varchar(255) primary key,
>>>Key (ID)
>>>INSERT IGNORE INTO url_servers(server)
>>>FROM bulk_table
>>>INSERT IGNORE INTO url_paths (path)
>>>FROM bulk_table
>>># at this point we have all of our new Servers and our Paths uniquely
>>># but we are going to need a slightly different URL table to track
>>>CREATE TABLE url_visit (
>>>urlid mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
>>>url_server_ID int not null default 0,
>>>url_path_ID int not null default 0,
>>>querystring text default null,
>>>category varchar(50)default null,
>>>KEY(url_server_ID, url_path_ID)
>>>## that last key is to speed up our joins to our _servers and _paths
>>>#  we finally have enough information to insert to the visit table
>>>INSERT url_visit (url_server_ID, url_path_ID, querystring, category)
>>>SELECT us.ID, up.ID, if(bt.path_split >0, SUBSTRING(bt.url,path), NULL),
>>>FROM bulk_table bt
>>>INNER JOIN url_servers us
>>>       ON us.server = bt.server
>>>INNER JOIN url_paths up
>>>       on up.path=bt.path
>>>## (see where the new pre-computed columns come in handy?) :-D
>>># and now we have enough information to load the internet_usage table.
>>>Though there isn't enough data in your sample
>>># source data to fill in all of the columns
>>>INSERT internet_usage ( uid,`time`,urlid, size)
>>>SELECT bt.user, ADDTIME(, bt.time), uv.urlid, bt.size
>>>FROM bulk_table bt
>>>INNER JOIN url_servers us
>>>       ON us.server = bt.server
>>>INNER JOIN url_paths up
>>>       ON up.path=bt.path
>>>INNER JOIN url_visit uv
>>>       ON uv.url_server_ID = us.ID
>>>       AND uv.url_path_ID =
>>>       AND uv.querystring = if(bt.path_split >0, SUBSTRING(bt.url,path),
>>>It may not be perfect but it's how I would do it. I am sure that others
>>>there would have a twist or two to put on the process.  When it's all
>>>and done, clear out the bulk_table and do it all over again.
>>>I would not mix a statistic, like hit count, into the url_visit table.
>>>next query should be blazingly fast as both columns are part of a
>>>SELECT url_server_ID, url_path_ID, count(1)
>>>from url_visit
>>>group by url_server_ID,url_path_Id;
>>>-OR- if you would rather see full names:
>>>create temporary table tmpStats
>>>SELECT url_server_ID, url_path_ID, count(1) as hits
>>>from url_visit
>>>group by url_server_ID,url_path_Id;
>>>select concat(us.server,up.path), ts.hits
>>>from tmpStats
>>>inner join url_servers us
>>>on = ts.url_server_ID
>>>inner join url_paths up
>>>on = ts.url_path_ID
>>>drop table tmpStats;
>>>(NOTE: I used a temp table to aggregate on the ID values before
>>>to the names because resolving those BEFORE running the GROUP BY would
>>>eliminated the use of an existing index.)
>>>Well, I have to get back to work. Let me know how this works for you,
>>>Shawn Green
>>>Database Administrator
>>>Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
>>>------------all previous responses clipped for space

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