I understand why we would want these to be in relational forms but in this situation it isn't practical for a number of reasons. Normally that would be what I would do.

However in this case the nature of the application is such that doing this would cause an enormous load on the system as we would regularly have to delete and recreate this entire table and that would require looping through millions of rows on the application side.

So we decided that keeping lists would be easier and more efficient than forcing the application and MySQL to go through enormous amounts of data which would require the potential execution of over a million individual queries anytime someone changes anything.

BTW - FIND_IN_SET works for the original issue.

At 12:53 PM 6/24/2004 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I understand how these lists come into existence (trust me I have had to
deal with enough of them). However, it is standard practice when working
with _relational_ databases to split those lists of numbers into unique
record pairs in a separate table. Your original source data was not
relational, was it... ;-)

To illustrate I will have to make up a scenario:

Lets say you have a table of "employees" with columns like ID, Name, etc.
Imagine this table has a field that holds a list of numbers that represents
everyone that reports to the employee (their subordinates). In order to see
if an employee is a subordinate of another employee, you would have to do a
query like the one you are asking about.

Here's the problem, in most languages you leave off the last separator so
the list looks like "3,4,12,20,22". Doing a substring search in that list
is not easy. Say you want to see if employee 2 is in the list for employee
1, you would have to search employee 1's list for "<bos>2," , ",2," , and
",2<eos>" just to make sure you _didn't_  match on 12, 20 or 22. (in this
example I used <bos> and <eos> to represent the "beginning of string" and
the "end of string". Those symbols don't actually work in MySQL but you
_can_ do those searches at least a couple of different ways). That is a
very slow search as you cannot use any indices and you will have to perform
at least 3 substring comparisons PER ROW of your data. Or, you could try
the FIND_IN_SET() function
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/String_functions.html). Once again, you
cannot use an index and you will have to execute the function on EVERY ROW
of data in your table, even if you only find 1 row of data.

One way out of this mess is to create another table like

CREATE TABLE employee_subordinate (
      employee_ID int,
      subordinate_ID int,
      PRIMARY KEY (employee_ID, subordinate_ID),
      Key (subordinate_ID)

Then you would need to insert just one row for each subordinate in the list

INSERT employee_subordinate VALUES (1,3), (1,4), (1,12), (1,20), (1,22)

There are MANY advantages to this style of design: Searching the
employee_subordinate table will be lightning quick as all values are no
longer strings but integers. The indexes will be smaller so you will be
able to fit them into memory (also faster). And, you could use other
relational techniques like FOREIGN KEYS (if you are using InnoDB) to ensure
that only valid IDs are entered into the table.

If you have to make it seem as though the data is stored as a list, MySQL
has some functions to convert a rowset of values into separated lists and
back. In this example if you wanted to present all of the subordinates to
employee 1 as a list you could write the following query

SELECT employee_ID, GROUP_CONCAT(subordinate_ID) as subordinates
FROM employee_subordinate
WHERE employee_ID = 1
GROUP BY employee_ID

and that would return:
| employee_ID | subordinates |
|           1 | 3,4,12,20,22 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I know this may not match directly to your data situation but you offered
few specifics. Hope it helps.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Eric Scuccimarra


06/24/2004 11:11 Fax to:
AM Subject: Query Problem with Lists

I have a table where one field is a long list of numbers in comma-delimited


I need to do a query like:

SELECT             *
FROM                     Table
WHERE        [number] IN list

If I cut and paste the actual list in it works fine but when I use the
column-name containing the list it returns nothing. I've been searching the

MySQL docs for hours and haven't turned up anything. Apparently I can use
set functions but the lists seem to be too big to store as sets.

Any help is appreciated.


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