Hi Sean - thanks for the info, unfortunately, I can't use force index ...too
old a version of mysql

I wonder if there is some way to "trick" mysql into using an index....?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 11:16 AM
Subject: RE: Why won't mysql use the index? WAS: strange table speed issue

Here is what the manual says about the table scan threshold:

Each table index is queried, and the best index is used unless the
optimizer believes that it will be more efficient to use a table scan. At
one time, a scan was used based on whether the best index spanned more than
30% of the table. Now the optimizer is more complex and bases its estimate
on additional factors such as table size, number of rows, and I/O block
size, so a fixed percentage no longer determines the choice between using
an index or a scan.

I thought of asking you to try adding the ORG column to your index (to
create a "covering index") but then I read this:

In some cases, MySQL can read rows from the index without even consulting
the data file. If all columns used from the index are numeric, only the
index tree is used to resolve the query.

Since ORG is a varchar , the blurb says it would do a table seek anyway.
Oh, well....

from (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/How_to_avoid_table_scan.html):

Use FORCE INDEX for the scanned table to tell MySQL that table scans are
very expensive compared to using the given index.

I can't remember if you tried that yet or not.

Sorry I couldn't be more help,
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine,


                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      om                       To:

                      06/25/2004 01:52         Fax to:

                      PM                       Subject:  RE: Why won't mysql
use the index?   WAS: strange table speed 


The general rule of thumb (in Sybase not sure for MySQL), is if using an
index hits more than 10% of the tables total volume it is
faster/cheaper/less evasive on the drive to just table scan the table
opposed to read an index row, get the representing table row pointer and
seek the table for each qualifying row. Your aproximate ration is
.6m/3=20%, again 10% is just a rule of thumb, many other things come
into play...

The reason your "count(*)" used the index is because it doesn't
request/result any data table columns. Since the index and the data
table has the same number of rows and your "where" clause only uses
indexed columns it faster to read/scan the index row because it is "org
varchar(80)" bytes shorter and each disk i/o and can read/buffer more
index rows that table rows in the same size disk read.

My free humble opinion,

-----Original Message-----
From: MerchantSense [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 10:56 AM
Subject: Why won't mysql use the index? WAS: strange table speed issue

This is crazy.  If someone can help me out, I'll pay them....!

A table:

| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ip_start | bigint(20)  |      | MUL | 0       |       |
| ip_end   | bigint(20)  |      |     | 0       |       |
| org      | varchar(80) |      |     |         |       |

Populated with numbers for the 1st 2 fields,  about 2.9 million records

Indexes as such:
mysql> show index from ip2org;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
Collation |
Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Comment |
| ip2org |          1 | dex      |            1 | ip_start    | A
2943079 |     NULL | NULL   |         |
| ip2org |          1 | dex      |            2 | ip_end      | A
2943079 |     NULL | NULL   |         |

I do this query:
mysql> explain SELECT org from ip2org use index (dex) where
ip_start<=1094799892 and ip_end>=1094799892;
| table  | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows    |
| ip2org | ALL  | dex           | NULL |    NULL | NULL | 2943079 |
used |

And it will not use the index, but if I do this ( a count):
mysql> explain SELECT count(*) from ip2org use index (dex) where
ip_start<=1094799892 and ip_end>=1094799892;
| table  | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   |
| ip2org | range | dex           | dex  |       8 | NULL | 594025 |
used; Using index |

It will use the index.

WHY can't I get it to use the index on a query with siple firlds with
numeric values??  The query takes about 12 seconds....   in fact when I
the count, it still takes that long (maybe it just *thinks* it's using
indexes !).....  this should return a value in less than  sec.... I've
tables this big without this problem before... what's up?   No matter
how a
screw around with the indexes, I can't make it work...

Help! :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:41 PM
To: Marc Slemko
Cc: MerchantSense; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: strange table speed issue

I'm not certain, but I don't think a multi-column index will help here.

manual is unclear on how a multi-column index is used when you are

the first key part to a range rather than to a constant, but I get the
impression it doesn't use the second key part in that case.  For you,
would mean your multi-column index is no better than your single column

The problem is that with either column, the range of matches is large

that the optimizer judges a table scan will be quicker than all those
lookups.  You can see this in the EXPLAIN output, type = ALL and rows =
size of your table.  Both indicate a full table scan.

You may be able to do better if you know something about the ranges
by ip_start and ip_end, particularly if ip2org is relatively static.
can find the size of the largest range with

   SELECT MAX(ip_end - ip_start) FROM ip2org;

Suppose that comes back with 1500.  Then the matching row will have

no less than your ip (1094799892) - 1500, and it will have ip_end no
than your ip + 1500.  Then

   SELECT org FROM ip2org
   WHERE ip_start BETWEEN 1094799892-1500 AND 1094799892
   AND ip_end BETWEEN 1094799892 AND 1094799892 + 1500;

specifies a small range on each column, enabling use of one index or the

other for fast lookups.  Note that this will break for ip < 1500 or ip >

max(ip) - 1500, but those should already use one or the other index with

your original query.


Marc Slemko wrote:

> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, MerchantSense wrote:
>>Seems ok to me...
>>It seems to be checking all the rows in the explain for some reason
>>mysql> show index from ip2org;
>>| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
>>Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Comment |
>>| ip2org |          1 | ip_start |            1 | ip_start    | A
>>2943079 |     NULL | NULL   |         |
>>| ip2org |          1 | ip_end   |            1 | ip_end      | A
>>2943079 |     NULL | NULL   |         |
> mysql can only use one index from a particular table in any one
> query.  So if you want to do a query that uses both ip_start and
> ip_end, you would need to create a multicolumn index on
> or vice versa.
> What you have is one index on ip_start, and another on ip_end.  So
> it can use one of the indexes, but then it has to scan each row that
> matches.

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