
 Well, I'm back with another one...  When adding a
join to the previous query, it sloows down once again
even though it retrieves less datat. Here's the info :

mysql> explain SELECT ti.posi, ti.docid, d.filename,, 
FROM corpus_documents cd, corpus c, documents d,
tokens_ins ti, tokens t, tokens t2, tokens_ins ti2
WHERE c.corpusid=4 
AND cd.corpusid=c.corpusid 
AND cd.docid=d.docid 
AND t.docid=d.docid 
AND t.docid=ti.docid 
AND t2.docid=ti2.docid 
AND t.docid=t2.docid 
AND t.word='faire' 
AND t2.word='présence' 
AND ti2.posi>=ti.posi-5 
AND ti2.posi<=ti.posi+5;
| table | type | possible_keys                        
                       | key               | key_len |
ref           | rows | Extra  |
| c     | ref  | PRIMARY,corpus_corpusid              
                       | PRIMARY           |       3 |
const         |    1 | Using where; Using index |
| cd    | ref  | PRIMARY                              
                       | PRIMARY           |       3 |
const         |    2 | Using where; Using index |
| d     | ref  | PRIMARY,documents_docid              
                       | PRIMARY           |       3 |
cd.docid      |    3 | Using index  |
| t     | ref  |
| tokens_word_docid |      33 | const,d.docid |    1 |
Using where  |
| t2    | ref  |
| tokens_word_docid |      33 | const,t.docid |    1 |
Using where  |
| ti    | ref  |
      | tokens_ins_id     |       4 |          | 
 96 | Using where  |
| ti2   | ref  |
      | tokens_ins_id     |       4 |         | 
 96 | Using where  |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Seems OK to me. But here's the query once run:
mysql> SELECT ti.posi, ti.docid, d.filename,, FROM corpus_documents cd, corpus c, documents
d, tokens_ins ti, tokens t, tokens t2, tokens_ins ti2
WHERE c.corpusid=4 AND cd.corpusid=c.corpusid AND
cd.docid=d.docid AND t.docid=d.docid AND
AND AND t.docid=ti.docid AND
t2.docid=ti2.docid AND t.docid=t2.docid AND
t.word='faire' AND t2.word='présence' AND
ti2.posi>=ti.posi-5 AND ti2.posi<=ti.posi+5;
| posi     | docid | filename        | id   | name    
|  2798734 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
|  4036372 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
|  4324477 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
|  5167534 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
|  5535744 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
|  6796883 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
|  7484157 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
|  9410455 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 10251037 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 11391576 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 11656957 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 12069808 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 15313652 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 15663061 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 18024245 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 18341956 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 20943027 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
| 21282138 |   366 | LeMonde2002.tag | 1110 | Le Monde
2002 |
18 rows in set (2 min 53.60 sec)

Victor, you were asking about cardinality, here's the
output of the indexes. I'm not sure I understand what
cardinality is about and how it would interfere: 
mysql> show index from tokens;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name          |
Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality |
Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| tokens |          0 | PRIMARY           |           
1 | word        | A         |      249541 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          0 | PRIMARY           |           
2 | pos         | A         |      374312 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          0 | PRIMARY           |           
3 | docid       | A         |      748624 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          1 | tokens_id         |           
1 | id          | A         |      249541 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          1 | tokens_docid      |           
1 | docid       | A         |         246 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          1 | tokens_word       |           
1 | word        | A         |      249541 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          1 | tokens_asbfreq    |           
1 | absfreq     | A         |        2478 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          1 | tokens_word_docid |           
1 | word        | A         |      249541 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens |          1 | tokens_word_docid |           
2 | docid       | A         |      748624 |     NULL |
NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show index from tokens_ins;
| Table      | Non_unique | Key_name         |
Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality |
Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| tokens_ins |          0 | PRIMARY          |        
   1 | docid       | A         |         246 |    
NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens_ins |          0 | PRIMARY          |        
   2 | posi        | A         |    24935821 |    
NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens_ins |          1 | tokens_ins_id    |        
   1 | id          | A         |      259748 |    
NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens_ins |          1 | tokens_ins_posi  |        
   1 | posi        | A         |    24935821 |    
NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
| tokens_ins |          1 | tokens_ins_docid |        
   1 | docid       | A         |         246 |    
NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Any help would be more than appreciated.

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