
I have designed a application (written in visual basic) to visualize projects in a treeview and to attach all kinds of information to those treenodes (for example hours used, budget avail, pictures of manufactoring parts/ bought-out parts etc).
After using microsoft access for a short time, I have switched to mysql. After rewriting al the querys, this gave already a mutch better performance. To have one common language between designer, manufactoring users and financial users, I have intoduced the tooltree code as the position in the treeview. for example, we have a project called '2143' (this indicates the 43st project for customer with ID=21. In a project we can have multiple lines. For line 31 the tooltreecode will be 2143.31. In line 31 we can have multiple zones. For zone 020 the tooltreecode then will be 2143.31.020. In total we can go up to 8 levels. The tooltreecode a presented in the treeview is build out of seperate strings. Since this can take a lot of time (average number of nodes in a project = 15000), the tooltree is opened upto level 2 when starting. Then by clicking a node the next level is opened and the string are being build.
The function I use in visual basic looks like:

Public Function FullNodeName(anid As Long) As String
Dim aRset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ParentId As Long
Dim newname As String
ParentId = 0
cond = "SELECT NodeParent, NodeName FROM TTNode WHERE TTNodeId=" & CStr(anid)
Set aRset = objDBConnection.Execute(cond, ErrStr)
With aRset
If Not .EOF Then
ParentId = .Fields(0)
newname = .Fields(1)
End If
End With
Set aRset = Nothing
If newname <> "" And ParentId <> 0 Then
FullNodeName = FullNodeName(ParentId) & "." & newname
FullNodeName = newname
End If
End Function

I'am triing to speed up the access time even more and was thinking that it should be possible to have the tooltree string returned by the mysql server as part of the resultset. I then have to make a new user function in mysql. I was hooping that such a function already excists.
Can anybody help me.

Peter Bruggink

Manager mechanical Design
+31 76 5792732

*Steelweld BV*
Terheijdenseweg 169
The Netherlands

www.steelweld.com <http://www.steelweld.com/>


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