thank you again Paul, I did miss that one altogether, but that does not
appear to be the whole problem.

having added 'log-slave-updates' to all my.cnf of all the servers (just
to be paranoid) I found no difference in the results.  I still get the
same errors message upon 'CHANGE MASTER TO ...' and the error log is
substantially the same.

On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 14:59, Paul DuBois wrote:
> At 14:31 -0400 7/27/04, Michael Dykman wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >     I'm running a development build of 4.1.3 and trying to set up of chain
> >of replication servers.  The first level of replication works
> >beautifully but every effort to establish slaves on that first slave
> >have been met with failure.
> >
> >here is the setup (log-bin is enabled on all 3 servers):
> >
> >     server_a: is set up as primary master: all clients connect to this
> >server and all data changes are made there.
> >
> >     server_b: is setup as client with a clean copy of the data (restarting
> >server_a with 'skip-networking' to take the clean cut and gather the
> >master status info, then restarting server_a with networking enabled
> >again).  do the change master thing on server_b and start the slave, in
> >due course 'show slave status' shows that it has caught up with server_a
> >and all data is there
> >
> >     server_c: setup is a problem (though not necessarily 'the problem').
> >having restarted server_b with skip-networking and stopped the slave, i
> >take a cut of the data and get the master status info.  having put the
> >data cut on server_c, executing
> >      MASTER_HOST='server_b',
> >      MASTER_USER='replica_dude',
> >      MASTER_PASSWORD='secret',
> >      MASTER_LOG_FILE='server_b.000001',
> >      MASTER_LOG_POS=79;log-slave-updates
> >  reports:
> >         ERROR 1201 at line 1: Could not initialize master info
> >         structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error
> >         log
> >
> >contents of the error log:
> >...
> >  Failed to open the relay log './server_b-relay-bin.000001'
> >(relay_log_pos 1011481184)
> >040727 11:40:34  Could not find target log during relay log
> >initialization
> >040727 11:40:34  Failed to initialize the master info structure
> >/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
> >Version: '4.1.3-beta-log'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306
> >040727 11:41:26  Failed to open the relay log
> >'./server_b-relay-bin.000001' (relay_log_pos 1011481184)
> >040727 11:41:26  Could not find target log during relay log
> >initialization
> >
> >The file server_b-relay-bin.000001 certainly is there and is
> >permissioned mysql:mysql, as are all the data files.
> >
> >the only really spooky thing I can find going on is on server_b (slave
> >to server_a, intended master to server_c).  Having reenabled the slave
> >and seeing it catch up to server_a (both 'show slave status' and
> >empirical data tests confirm this) anther look at 'show master status'
> >on server_b *still* reports:
> >+---------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
> >| File                | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
> >+---------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
> >| server_b-bin.000001 |       79 |              |                  |
> >+---------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
> >
> >it is not updating at all, even as replication data pours in.  I have
> >reinstalled server_b as a slave 3 times now using the data from server_a
> >and no matter how much replication data server_b has gathered from
> >server_a post-install, the position is always 79 (!).
> >
> >Can anyone lend me a clue?
> Did you start server b with --log-slave-updates so that it writes
> the events that it receives from its master to its own binary log?
> Just turning on binary logging on server b isn't enough.
 - michael dykman

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