At 0:54 +0200 7/29/04, Christian Hammers wrote:

A user of the Debian packages that I maintain reported a problem with the
"mysqlcheck --all-databases --fast --quiet" command that is run in the
"/etc/init.d/mysql" script just after the server is up and running as reported
by "mysqladmin ping".

According to all documentation that I found and the source code, mysqlcheck in
opposide to myisamchk does not deal with the tables files itself which could
be suspicious (e.g. with skip-locking) but just issue a "CHECK TABLE xyz FAST"
command to the server which should be safe regardless who else does whatever
to the table.

It does indeed send CHECK TABLE statements to the server. It should be safe *unless* someone other than the server is messing with theh table files directly (e.g., someone running myisamchk at the same time, or renaming files, etc.)

Can somebody acknowledge that? Or give me a pointer what could get wrong with this approach?

(BTW: I am right that as long as there are no not properly closed tables, this
command should only take a few seconds even with some thousand tables?)

Dunno, never tried it with that many tables. :-) Should be reasonably quick, though, unless your directory access routines are dreadfully slow.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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