Somewhere about Sun, 01-Aug-2004 at 11:31AM -0400 (give or take), Michael Stassen 

|> Patrick Connolly wrote:


|> > Looks to me the mysql user should have no trouble with it:
|> > 
|> > -rw-rw-r--    1 pat      pat           332 Jun 28 20:42 Orders.txt
|> Every piece of the path to this file must be executable by mysql, as well.

I think that's the main problem I have.  Since it's in a directory
beginning with /home/ and that directory is rwx------, one would have
to change that far back.  Since this machine is not used by anyone
else, perhaps it would not be a problem changing that.  Is that what
people normally do?  Anything else I can think of seems incredibly

|> > |> : Also, to use LOAD DATA INFILE on server files, you must have
|> > |> : the FILE privilege. See section 5.5.3 Privileges Provided by MySQL.
|> > 
|> > Think we can count that one out as the problem since LOCAL which would
|> > have the same requirement does work.
|> The FILE privilege is not required with LOCAL.  It is required without 
|> LOCAL, and for SELECT INTO OUTFILE.  My bet would be that you don't have the 
|> FILE privilege.  You can check with

Good guess.  That was part of the problem (though I'd not have guessed
from the error message).  I forgot that GRANT ALL does not include


|> How LOAD DATA LOCAL works was changed in 3.23.49 and 4.0.2.  This
|> is documented here
|> <>.

I had read that, but I'd not made the connexion with the error message.

Thanks again.


   ___     Patrick Connolly      
 _( Y )_          Good judgment comes from experience 
(:_~*~_:)         Experience comes from bad judgment    

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