Actually, no, it isn't in memory (except for that breif period of time 
before the write cache is committed to disk). You are actually creating a 
new, disk-based database and populating it with data. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

"Jacob, Raymond A Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/30/2004 
07:40:20 PM:

> Shawn:
> Thank you for your reply. I did not know you could reference a 
> Database in a select clause, I thought you
> could only reference tables.
> I do have a followup question. I assume once I have created the 
> dbArchYesterday that
> mysqld has the database in memory.Is there way to:
> 1. write the database to disk,
> 2. unload the database from memory, if it is in memory,
>     in order to file utilities such as tar and gzip to archive and 
> compress the
>     database into to a tgz file? 
> Thank you,
> raymond
> PS: Is there a document that describes how mysql loads and unloads 
> tables and databases in memory?
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 9:03
> To: Jacob, Raymond A Jr
> Subject: Re: How do you archive db daily?
> Why not keep your server running and just use scripted SQL to 
> migrate the records from one DB to the other? 
> CREATE DATABASE dbArchYesterday; 
> USE dbArchYesterday; 
> CREATE TABLE table1 like dbActive.table1; 
> CREATE TABLE table2 like dbActive.table2; 
> CREATE TABLE table3 like dbActive.table3; 
> CREATE TABLE table4 like dbActive.table4; 
> INSERT table1(list of columns to load) 
> SELECT list of columns to read 
> FROM dbActive.table1 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> INSERT table2(list of columns to load) 
> SELECT list of columns to read 
> FROM dbActive.table2 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> INSERT table3(list of columns to load) 
> SELECT list of columns to read 
> FROM dbActive.table3 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> INSERT table4(list of columns to load) 
> SELECT list of columns to read 
> FROM dbActive.table4 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> DELETE FROM dbActive.Table1 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> DELETE FROM dbActive.Table2 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> DELETE FROM dbActive.Table3 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> DELETE FROM dbActive.Table4 
> WHERE alertdate between 'yesterday 00:00:00' and 'yesterday 23:59:59'; 
> That way you never have to stop your server and you can transform 
> any data you need to change during the move. This process also 
> allows you to build additional  summary tables during the move, if 
> you want them.  By scripting the entire thing and replacing my 
> (hopefully) obvious placeholders with live names and dates, this 
> should perform rather well with little or no intervention on your 
> part.  Another advantage to scripting this process is that you can 
> monitor each stage and abort the deletes at the end if things did 
> not go well. 
> Shawn Green
> Database Administrator
> Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 
> "Jacob, Raymond A Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/29/2004 
> 06:26:26 PM:
> > I am running MySql 3.23.58-1 on a snort database containing IDS 
> > At 12:00am I would like move the previous day's alerts from four 
tables to 
> > a backup database named for the previous day.
> > Has anyone implemented such a backup schedule? And if so can someone 
> > send me a script?
> > 
> > I had the following ideas on the subject:
> > 1.a. mysql shutdown.
> >    b. cp -r database /..../2004-07-29
> >    c. mysqlstart 
> >       /* I need a single user mode for the delete to work */
> >    d. echo "Delete iphdr; Delete tcphdr;Delete acid_event; Delete 
> > event"  | mysql -p xxx -u yyyy 
> >    e. go to multiuser mode.
> > 
> > 2. a. Assuming logging turned on 
> >         mysqlhotcopy snortdb
> >         ( echo "Delete iphdr; Delete tcphdr;Delete acid_event; 
> > Delete event" ; mysqlbinlog snort.log ) | mysql -p xxx -u yyy
> > 
> > 3.  a. $ mysql -p xxx -u yyy
> >         1.  if a week then  purge tables:
> >                 $mysql> Delete iphdr;
> >          ....( repeat for the rest of the tables.)
> > 
> > 
> >         2.  mysql -p xxx -u yyy
> >         mysql > Select iphdr.*
> >                      from iphdr, event_id
> >                      into outfile /.../backup/2004-07-29/iphdr.txt
> >                      where timestamp.event_id < 2004-07-29;
> >          mysql> Delete iphdr;
> >          ....( repeat for the rest of the tables.)
> > 
> >         mysql > use backsnort_db
> >                      Select iphdr.*
> >                      from iphdr, event_id
> >                      Load infile /.../backup/2004-07-29/iphdr.txt
> >          ....( repeat for the rest of the tables.)
> > 
> >         mysql > exit
> > 
> >      b. tar cvf   backsnort_db
> > 
> > That is my best shot if anyone has a more elegant solution I 
> > hearing about it.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > Raymond

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