Here's how I do it with tables that have multiple keys:

        FirstName VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
        LastName VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,

        PRIMARY KEY(Id),
        KEY LastNameIndex (LastName),
        Key FirstNameIndex (FirstName)
) ;

And every once in a while I also do an "optimize table <tablename>" when my
queries are getting slower.  The only thing you have to watch out for with
the optimize command is that it can take a while if you have a large table
and that table will become unavailable for access while the command is


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Fletcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 11:01
Subject: Using the Index (Tables)....

I have one question.  Once I create 2 or more indexes to a table, should I
instruct MySQL to use which index in certain order?  (Like use that 2nd
index, not the 1st one).  Another question, do I need to run the maintance
on the index?  If so, how?  With IBM DB2, I had to run the index maintance
weekly, so I wonder if MySQL do it automatically or do I have to do it
manually.  If so, how?





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