Sorry guys, I forgot to post to the list as well..

-----Original Message-----
From: Lachlan Mulcahy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2004 6:45 PM
To: Xanana Gusmao
Subject: RE: Is my server not tuned properly ?

Hi Xanana,

The variables you are looking at, while giving you some of a picture of your
performance aren't enough to definitively say how bad or good things are.

What I would suggest having a look at...

What is your long_query_time set to?

You can check this by: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'long_query_time';

This is going to give more meaning to your slow_queries count.. Also, go and
read your slow query log file.. If you are not already logging slow queries,
I recommend you do.. This will give you an idea of precisely which queries
are running slowly. This in turn will allow you to identify where you might
be able to create indices where there where none before.

There really is no 'normal' for these numbers as by themselves they don't
give the big picture on performance and applications vary so greatly. The
important question really is: Is your database performing well enough for
your requirements?  If the answer is no, then I would suggest looking into
optimisation. A good place to start is as I mentioned above with your
slowest queries. They'll help weed out the 'weakest links' in your query
performance initially...

A good place to start with optimisation is here:

I know there is a LOT of content there but it really does have great

If you have any other questions, feel free to shoot them to the list..

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Xanana Gusmao
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2004 5:26 PM
Subject: Is my server not tuned properly ?

Context: MySQL 4.0.18 on redhat linux 2.4.20-28.8smp kernel.

Usage scenario: Around 10-20 users daily (not necessarily concurrent)

I have collected some "System variables" over 2x periods.

Period #1: 7 days uptime
| Select_full_join         | 1967       |
| Select_full_range_join   | 0          |
| Select_range             | 1          |
| Select_range_check       | 0          |
| Select_scan              | 47074      |
| Slow_queries             | 106        |
| Sort_merge_passes        | 0          |
| Sort_range               | 0          |
| Sort_rows                | 151760     |
| Sort_scan                | 7341       |

Period #2: 18 hours uptime after a reboot
| Select_full_join         | 182       |
| Select_full_range_join   | 0         |
| Select_range             | 0         |
| Select_range_check       | 0         |
| Select_scan              | 4216      |
| Slow_queries             | 18        |
| Sort_merge_passes        | 0         |
| Sort_range               | 0         |
| Sort_rows                | 24016     |
| Sort_scan                | 696       |

Basically I would like to zoom into the variables: Select_full_join,
Select_scan, & Sort_scan. By reading the docs @, I can infer that
queries/sorts are performing a lot of full table scans. I know that's bad.
But I
want to know from experienced people if my numbers above indicate "normal"
"excessively horrible" performance.

Thank you


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