At 13:11 -0500 8/9/04, sean c peters wrote:
I guess i dont fully understand how mysql uses my.cnf.

Global settings go in /etc/my.cnf.

Global to what? All mysql servers running on the machine, or some other

Servers and clients

definition? I guess my confusion is partially because my.cnf states the port
number for both servers and clients, but both servers cant be listening on
the same port.
Is it the case that i'll need to redefine some of the config options from
/etc/my.cnf in DATADIR/my.cnf for each server. If so, thats fine, i just want
to make sure i do this correctly, and dont cause an interruption of service
in the production server.

That's what you should do (use DATADIR/my.cnf).

Most of what i've been reading about running multiple servers on the same box has seemed a bit confusing.

It's like riding a bike. Feels weird until you get the hang of it, then it makes perfect sense.

-- Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team Madison, Wisconsin, USA MySQL AB,

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