followup to my initial question.....

i can use the following select query to get close... however, it doesn't
really use 'left joins', and i can't figure out how to arive at the results
with the user names being correctly identified.

mysql> select
    -> as pname,
    -> p2.statusID as pstatus,
    -> u1.urltype as urltype,
    -> p1.userID as owner,
    -> as school
    -> from universityTBL as u3 ,
    -> university_urlTBL as u1,
    -> parsefileTBL as p1,
    -> parsefilestatusTBL as p2
    -> left join userTBL as u2
    ->  on u2.ID = p1.userID
    -> where u1.universityID = u3.ID
    -> and  p1.university_urlID = u1.ID
    -> and p2.fileID = p1.fileID
    -> and u1.universityID='40';
| pname | pstatus | urltype | owner | name | school |
|       |       1 |       1 |     0 | NULL | www    |
|       |       1 |       2 |     0 | NULL | www    |
|       |       1 |       3 |     0 | NULL | www    |
| blah  |       1 |       4 |     1 | NULL | www    |
4 rows in set (0.14 sec)

this result is close... the 'owner' has the ownerid which references the

the userTBL is
| ID    | name    |
|     1 |     tom |

so, i'm trying to figure out how to create a query, that returns the
following, combining the earlier query, with the userTBL..

| pname | pstatus | urltype | owner | name | school |
|       |       1 |       1 |     0 | NULL | www    |
|       |       1 |       2 |     0 | NULL | www    |
|       |       1 |       3 |     0 | NULL | www    |
| blah  |       1 |       4 |     1 | tom  | www    |

anyideas/assistance, etc would be appreciated.



again, i'd like to figure our how to use the 'left joins' to derive the


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