#1124: MythMusic: Additional key to get into playlist edit
 Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |       Owner:  ijr
     Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  new
 Priority:  minor            |   Milestone:     
Component:  mythtv           |     Version:     
 Severity:  low              |  
 Using the '3' key to get to the playlist edit is not possible from a
 simple LCDproc style LCD keypad. A quick 2 liner allows the use of a
 navigation key (right) to enter it. up/down left/right operate as normal
 within the playlist edit, use OK to select, esc to exit.

 Now I don't have to turn on my TV to select and listen to music :-)

Ticket URL: <http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/1124>
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