#1155: EIT helper only updates first DVB card's EPG data
 Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |       Owner:  danielk
     Type:  defect                       |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  major                        |   Milestone:         
Component:  dvb                          |     Version:         
 Severity:  medium                       |  
 I have just added a second DVB card to my system. The first DVB card
 continues to get updated EPG data from the UK DVB EPG. The second card has
 no data for any of its channels.

 In my logs I see, for example,

 2006-01-30 17:03:14.436 MSqlQuery: SELECT chanid, useonairguide FROM
 channel, dtv_multiplex WHERE serviceid = 14592 AND       networkid = 9018
 AND       transportid = 12290 AND       channel.mplexid =

 Running this in mysql gives me

 | chanid | useonairguide |
 |   1196 |             1 |
 |   6196 |             1 |

 but the code in eithelper.cpp only uses the first chanid for updating the
 database. The second chanid is discarded.

Ticket URL: <http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/1155>
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