I have just found a problem (no solution yet) with a dvbt recorded program.
happens about 40min into the file.
file is nuv transcoded so mpeg4.
a partial trace of the interesting bit is
2004-12-30 00:07:37.029 _AddSamples bytes=9216, used=161793, free=350207, timecode=95443776
2004-12-30 00:07:37.059 A/V timecodes audio 95442893 video 95442902 frameinterval 40000 avdel 9 avg -5957
2004-12-30 00:07:37.093 A/V timecodes audio 95442926 video 95442942 frameinterval 40000 avdel 16 avg -2217
2004-12-30 00:07:37.096 _AddSamples bytes=13824, used=158721, free=353279, timecode=131
2004-12-30 00:07:37.142 A/V timecodes audio -717 video 95442982 frameinterval 40000 avdel 95443699 avg 2337
not sure as Im not up with the idiosyncracies but the timecode appears written wrong in the file during recording.
havent traced it completely yet though.
only 1 file has it so far.
will continue on it tomorrow evening. seems to be similar to something we saw previously.
since it doesnt happen much it will be hard to tell where it crept in.
any hints that would help would be good.
Mark Spieth, PhD
DC Labs Pty Ltd
2 Mavron Street
Ashwood 3147
ph: +61-3-9807 8600
Mobile: +61-4-11 515 717
Fax: +61-3-9807 9300
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