> > I was thinking along these lines before Christmas when I wanted to 
> > temporarily
> > add an extra disk for Christmas films to my server.
> > I added a bit of code to Myth to allow me to do this, a bit of a hack.
> I'm sorry I wasn't aware of the follow symlinks option at the
> time or that long thread may have been much shorter.

How about I just reply and say the functionality described earlier
in this thread of having a script to move files out of the recordings
direcrtory to somewhere else is already in CVS. :)  I added something
along this line about 2 months ago I think.  Look in the contrib
directory at the script called myth_archive_job.pl.

I have a SnapServer 4100 at home that I use as additional storage for
Myth.  Recordings go to my main Myth storage on my NFS server, but a
few recordings are setup to run myth_archive_job.pl as a User Job
after they finish recording.  myth_archive_job.pl looks at the list
of directories (hardcoded, but user changeable) in the script and
archives the file to whichever is the first it finds with enough free
space.  The command line I use for the custom user job is
"myth_archive_job.pl -d %DIR% -f %FILE%".  You can even force a directory
to archive to via the "-a" command line option.  Since the JobQueue can
pass the recording group name on the command line, you could setup different
archive directories for each recording group if you wanted to.  I think
you could do this with a command something like this:

myth_archive_job.pl -d %DIR% -f %FILE% -a /video/groups/%RECGROUP%/

I've been using this to automatically "archive" a few shows that
my wife is recording for her grandmother.  This is the reason I
added the "Follow Symlinks" aka "Follow Symbolic Links" option
in the setup.

I think the ultimate solution is still to have multiple dirs and let
Myth handle it so the files don't have to be moved around.  I just
wrote this script because it was easy to let the JobQueue handle the
archiving by calling a simple perl script and adding the symbolic
link setting to allow the backend to remove the links.

One warning about the backend setting though.  It only follows one link
I believe, so you can't have a link to a link to a file, etc..



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