On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Taylor Jacob wrote:
]If you are using any of the kernel DVB drivers it will be API Version 3.0 which
]does NOT include the modifications I made to add in ATSC support.. If you
]include the headers in dvbkernel-cvs which include ATSC (API 3.1) you get ATSC
]support.. But that will cause problems if you mix and match headers will it
]not?  I.E. we put in 3.1 api headers in myth and you are using 3.0 api
]dvbkernel?  You are using 3.0 headers but have 3.1 api dvbkernel?

Wait, so you must use the CVS version of DVB? 

Even for non-ATSC DVB?

]I think the only right way to do this is the linking scenario that has been
]mentioned a few times here.. I personally have only seen this issue once before
]and it was something silly I did like use the wrong includedir.. Wish I could

Well if you need to install the DVB from CVS and can't use the standard 
kernel drivers this should be well documented in the install guide 
before 0.17. But if we can use DVB, but just not ATSC over DVB without 
installing DVB drivers from CVS then I think it's ok to include up to 
date headers in myth, as long as we can detect the that the 3.1 API 
calls don't work and we can do the right thing.

BTW MythTV compiles fine with the 3.0 API headers, and we test for 3.0 
not 3.1 API headers in dvbtypes.h... 

-- Daniel
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