The close() fix that John Patrick Poet submitted has taken care of the random blockiness problem for HDTV recordings off my HD-2000 card, but I still see that occurring (along with several buffer overruns from the card) if I change channels while watching Live TV.  Subsequent channel changes continue to exhibit the symptom as well, and I usually lose sound, too.  Switching to another capture card and then back to the HD-2000 gives me a clean stream, so I assume a similar type of fix is needed after a channel change.


I don’t think I see the same thing occurring on my HD-3000 card, but it might just be because that’s the only card in a different backend server.   The HD-2000 is in my master backend, which is also where my /myth/store (live TV ringbuffer) is shared out of, while the HD-3000 is on a slave backend that I only seldom use.  Could the extra DMA activity of the HDD’s be exacerbating this?


John, would it be possible to close and reopen the stream when a channel change occurs?


I don’t remember this happening prior to the 1.5 drivers and the RAM ringbuffer that was added.





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