On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 22:59:53 +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 03:26:48PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hauppauge violated the GPL with their original MVP release, by putting th=
> eir
> > audio/video player inside busybox and not releasing it.  They split it out
> > in later releases, but I don't believe they ever rectified the original
> > mistake (ie, the MVP is still listed on the Busybox Hall-of-Shame).
> That's a mistake of Hall-of-Shame, I got Hauppauge's version of
> busybox with my MVP a year ago, so this seems to have been fixed long
> since.

I have their busybox source too, but it doesn't contain their audio/video
player.  But I've long since stopped caring about it.  Like I said, my
current code uses far more of the MVP than theirs does.  I don't think I
would learn much if they gave it to me now.

> > Recently, someone with a stb02500 development kit gave the IBM kernel mod=
> ule
> > source to an MVP user who asked for them.  I wouldn't exactly call that a
> > source release.  Basically, IBM had their standard low-level copyrights a=
> ll
> > over them (like I've seen on PIBS, EPOS, etc.), which basically says you
> > can do whatever you want with the source.
> That's a better license than Hauppauge itself has. In fact the IBM
> modules have been the stumbling block to go 2.6.x with the MVP.

I've never seen a Hauppauge license, so I don't know about that.

BTW, the other issue with going to 2.6.x is that the kernel module source
I have is from IBM.  So the Hauppauge additions are not there.  Another
MVP owner has told me that he successfully added all the Hauppauge additions
to the IBM kernel code, but I haven't asked him for those changes yet.

I guess it's time I do that.

> > So in short, everything done with the MVP up until now has been done blin=
> d.
> > But that may change, since the driver source is now out in the open.
> >=20
> > However, I'd blame IBM for that situation.  I have seen their commercials
> > (before I became a MythTV user :-) talking about how open source was so
> > wonderful, but in this case they were being very closed.
> Ever tried contacting IBM notebook division? ;)

I didn't.  A number of us tried contacting various people at IBM, but I
don't think anyone ever got a response.

> > Of course, maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe Hauppauge is to blame for some or all
> > of this, but I don't believe that at the moment.
> Also for the MVP: Let me know what is needed. I can even try to
> arrange for development boards (such with a serial connector), if
> there is need for some. There will also be some interesting news at
> the CeBIT concerning MVP making it even more desirable to get the
> system open.

What?  Is this their mythical wireless MVP?

> But this is indeed getting to far off mythtv-dev. Is there some MVP
> for Linux users mailing list? If not should we setup one?

The mvpmc mailing list is on sourceforge at http://mvpmc.sourceforge.net/.
As the owner of that list, I give you permission to discuss anything MVP
related over there.

Otherwise, there is the forum at http://www.shspvr.com/forum/.


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