
On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 03:59:01AM +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> like last year, I'll be presenting a mythtv setup at the CeBIT
> (Hannover, 10th to 16th starting next week).
> Do you have any advise on whether to use 0.17 or CVS? Also does anyone
> with an artistic talent want to modify a theme to add the CeBIT logo
> to it (limited MythTV CeBIT 2005 edition ;)?
> I'm still collecting hardware components, the target setup will be two
> VIA mini-itx boards with Hauppauge DVB and PVR cards as well as some
> WLAN connectivity.  Last year I had a common PC set up and while there
> was a lot of interest visitors seemed to expect something matching
> their living room.
> The Linux spot is sponsored by Hauppauge and runs under a Hauppauge
> and VIA partnership.
> Will any of you attend the CeBIT? I'll probably be there Thu to
> Mon. Hope to see you there!

Unfortunately I had no camera with me to make some shots of the setup
(but there were some other Mythonians that did, perhaps so will
publish them). The show wasn't as well visited as last year, but still
some Linux users found their way through to the MythTV spot.

There seems to be interest for adding burning and radio capabilities
to mythtv. Many people wouldn't believe that MythTV would run on the
1GHz Nehemiah on 25% only. I had to exit MythTV and show them a
gkrellm running in the background.

Compared to last year MythTV's popularity has grown quite a lot. Last
year people were suprised something like MythTV even existed. This
year most of them had already heard of MythTV even though they were
not aware of the powers within.

An interesting note: MCE users with DVB-S were interested to switch as
it looks like MCE doesn't currently support DVB-S.

A final remark: one of the boxes had DVB-T with a passive
antenna. Needless to say, while the box was doing well a day before,
when all the electrical devices went on on the first day, the signal
collapsed. The result was that MythTV was hanging when switching to
the channels that could not be locked onto for quite a while. In the
sources I found a loop of 200 which is perhaps to much, and tuning
with tzap revealed that I would get a lock every ten-twenty seconds
and loose it right away. So that may have caused infinite retries in
MythTV's DVB-T code.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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