Michael J. Lynch wrote:
Tom Lichti wrote:

Well, I started with a stock KnoppMyth installation (which has myth installed in /usr) and from the very beginning I've always used /usr/local as the prefix when compiling from CVS. Should I remove the old debian Myth packages? I haven't had any problems up to now with compiling my own stuff.

If you have old copies of myth header files in /usr/include/mythtv they will get used instead of the ones from /usr/local/include/mythtv because of the search order used by the compiler. This also applies to /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib.

If you don't want to risk anything, just rename /usr/include/mythtv
to /usr/include/mythtv.old.  Also, move anything /usr/lib/libmyth* to
some safe place.

And we have a winner...moved /usr/lib/mythtv, /usr/include/mythtv and usr/lib/libmyth*, recompiled, and it finished. Can't test it just yet (although...I could forward my X session to work...) but I will tonight.

I'm surprised that I didn't have more problems with my compiled binaries though. I have had a couple of odd issues, but nothing major, or worth reporting. I'll recompile everything and see how that goes. It could explain why I can't get XvMC to work though.... :)

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