First let me confess that I haven't really used this yet as I just
have gotten myth frontend/backend working within the week, but I have
been doing some reading.  I was thinking it might be nice to adapt
mythmusic to have a frontend/backend relationship where a "real-time"
media transport (such as RTP) would provide streams to the frontend. 
Building off of this it would become possible to select multiple idle
frontends to stream to, with a greater level of time-sync than a
retransmissive protocol (TCP) would allow?  There's a lot of "if"s
here having never used RTP before but I would be willing to jump in to
the development effort.  My familiarity with the myth code is next to
nil and this is likely to become a large project, but it could end up
saving a lot of wires run accross the house.  At any rate just thought
I'd throw it out there.

Devan Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mythtv-dev mailing list

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