Le Dimanche 17 Avril 2005 23:38, Jason W a écrit :
> On 2005/04/17 20:59, Jacques Facquet wrote:
> > // Get the video store directory
> > $hostname=exec ("/bin/hostname");
> > $result = mysql_query("SELECT data from settings where
> > value='VideoStartupDir' and hostname='$hostname' ")
> >
> > So we have "videodir" local to the server.
> I think it would probably be a good idea to add hostname to the
> configuration file for mythweb, rather than using /bin/hostname.
You are right, its a better way .

> This is because the hostname can be overwritten in
> mythbackend/mythfrontend in /usr/local/share/mythtv/mysql.txt. I do
> not know if mythweb currently looks at this file but since it
> stores it's own DB settings, I doubt it.
mythweb is looking for a path relative to his root, so the path must 
be on the machine where mythweb run.
(It can be a relative path to a nfs/smb mount).

Jacques Facquet.
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