I just wanted to check whether I was doing something stupid or whether no one else is trying to compile on MacOS X these days. Jerimiah? Anyone?

Hi Eggert.

        Jeremiah is taking a rest from MythTV development,
and I have been flat-out with work.

(i.e. not enough time to empty my MythTV box,
      let alone do development)

Nigel Pearson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] | "Now the world has gone to bed,
Telstra BI&D, Sydney, Australia       |  Darkness won't engulf my head,
Office: 8255 4222    Fax:  8255 3153  |  I can see by infrared,
Mobile: 0408 664435  Home: 9792 6998  |  How I hate the night." -Marvin

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