I run my backend as root. I recently switched from running mythfilldatabase as a cron job to using the internal method... it stopped working. The problem was that with filldb running as root, it didn't have the correct home dir set, and so it couldn't find the tv_grab_au prefs.

Attached is a patch to add an option to mythfilldatabase that allows it to switch users on startup. This has two effects:
- the home dir will be set correctly when it tries to get the grabber prefs
- the grabber script is no longer being run as root


Will         :-}

Attachment: useroption.diff
Description: application/text

Dr William Uther                           National ICT Australia
Phone: +61 2 9385 6357               Computer Science and Engineering
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          University of New South Wales
Web: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/     Sydney, Australia
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