Currently every time that I transcode a file the commercial flaggings
are ignored and the whole file is transcoded, this didn't use to be
the case.  I'm wondering if there is an easy way to see what
parameters mythbackend is passing to mythtranscode and how to view the
output from this.
Currently I call mythbackend with the following options:
/usr/local/bin/mythbackend -d -v all -p /var/run/ -l

all that that really gets me in the logs is something like this:
2005-05-03 04:43:34.332 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Found 'Transcode'
Job for 1026 @ 20050429232900 in Running state.
2005-05-03 04:43:34.366 JobQueue: Skipping 'Transcode' job for chanid
1026 @ 20050429232900, current job status is 'Running'
2005-05-03 04:44:04.776 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Found 'Transcode'
Job for 1026 @ 20050429232900 in Running state.

mythbackend version: 0.18.20050423-1

Devan Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mythtv-dev mailing list

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