This sounds a lot like p2p filesharing.  I think we all know where that leads...


On 6/5/05, Min Idzelis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have an idea for a plugin and I was wondering if it could be done.
Maybe some people with more familiarity with the inner workings of
myth can let me know what they think.

Would it be possible to write a plugin for the frontend that will
allow you to browse and download available recordings on different
backends? I imagine a menu option "Other backends" which will lead to
a list of hosts available to connect to. Clicking on a host would
bring up the available recordings on that host. From there choose to
download a recording to your local backend. When the download was
complete, your recording database would be updated and the downloaded
program will show up in your recorded list.

This is almost the same as what the slave backend gives you - but the
slave backend streams the video to you (right?) so its not useful for
low-bandwith links (cable modems) So, the idea in a nutshell: Do a
backend-to-backend copy, update the recording database, and slap a
pretty UI on top of it to make it pretty.

What do you think? Would the myth protocol need to be modified at all
for this? I imagine all you have to do is request a stream from the
remote backend but instead of displaying it save the show to disk



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