Wow look at what my interest has started.  Glad to see there's alot of
interest in commercial flagging.  Looks like we will all enjoy better
commercial flagging in future releases of myth.

Would it help to limit the frequency of scene change detection. 
Something like the shortest scene possible is 3 seconds.  This would
help with the fades...also if you look at the average energy trend in
the frames surrounding a scene change you should be able to detect the
fade.  Crossfades and wipes or some other sort of transition however
would be more difficult to detect.

On 7/6/05, Lucas Meijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, its hard to make serious contributions to the commercial flagger
> without being able to program, but there are a few things that would help:
> - if the commflagger misflags a recording, find out why. you can get a
> lot of verbose information from mythcommflag if you ask for it. Does
> logo detection fail, does your blank frame detection fail, do you have
> no, or zillions of scene changes? Look at the framemap thats being
> output at the very end for an overview of the analysis the classic
> commdetector performed. Knowing where the current algorithm brakes down
> helps in fixing it.
> - if your math is good, talk me trough the math at section 3.3 of
> I've looked at all the academic research (and non academic for that
> matter) I could find, and this method seems by far the most
> sophisticated for scene change detection. I'm working on a test
> implmentation of this algorithm, but am stuck very early in the process
> :), not being fermiliar with complex gabor images. getting some
> assistence in this area would be great.
> - if the commflagger misflags a recording, keep that recording aside or
> make a backup for it, so when new developments kick in, we get a
> testbase we can test against.
> - fresh ideas are always welcome, alltough a lot of them have already
> passed the list and are not picked up (yet) because noone that can code
> wanted it badly enough. so search the archive first.
> As for current state of things, Chris Pinkham maintains the Classic (and
> only) commercial flagger. I've been doing work that nobody has seen yet,
> since it breaks down due to poor current scene change accuracy
> (especially fadein's & fadeouts get marked as a huge amount of scene
> changes, corrupting useful statistics).
> I am hoping to adapt the 'plugin' architecture so that a
> commercialdetector plugin can also access the audio data.
> Another ideas I'm working on but didn't materialize yet is trying to
> find those 2-4 second tv station "videojingles" they put in front of
> commercials, by looking for scenes with identical durations, and then
> checking their histogram/image, and maybe even their audio..
> Bye, Lucas
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