I was thinking that for each Type you select a default command would be put in the "Command:" box. This would help with emus that have long complicated parameters like mame. I know this gets a bit complicated because now you might have a few different emus for lets say gameboy, so you might have a blank "Gameboy" type and a "Gameboy:Virtual Game Boy" Type. This might avoid people osnstantly asking "what commands do i use for x emu?" As for myself i'm looking into what the big long command was for xmame right now. I really like having all my highscores and such.

I had another thought about the Type selector in the setup. Some games run better with some emulators or graphics toolkits. for example with mame it's easy to end up with a few versions of the binary. my thought was, and you may already be ahead of me here, is that in the rom list window when you select info on a rom you can set a default emulator for roms where you have multiple emulators. Not sure how necessary this really is though.

Anal nitpicking: I think that the list in the setup widow would be better organized as such:
Player Name:
Player Type:
Rom Path:
Screen Shots:
Working Directory:
File Extensions:

Just seems more organized to my anal side to have all the path inputs gathered next to each other.

anyway those are just some thoughts. I'm really glad to see some work being done on this. The Wife loves Mrs. Pacman.
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