I've a few more suggestions:

There should be a field in the games database that a user can select wich
emu to use with a special game. Because on the Amiga the games require
sometimes the joystick in port1 and sometimes in port two so then a user can
create two emulators.

Also for other systems it would be nice if the emulator could be selected.

And it should be thought if it is a good idea to delete the whole games
database when scanning for new ones.

It could be easily realized that by scanning for new games, all get added
but with a one in a special field (newgame=1)

The we check if all games wich newgame=0 are also in the list with newgame=1
if not delete.

After that we check if every game with newgame=1 exits and when yes we
delete that.

And so no data get's lost!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Auftrag von Greg Estabrooks
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2005 13:58
An: Development of mythtv
Betreff: Re: [mythtv] mythgame : features...

> I've seen I can select Disk Spanning in the lastes version, but it seems
> me like support is not already included!

 Correct, the gui option is added to what is in svn, but so far the rest of
the code is not checked in.

> When I have now multiple disks, should I use %s or %d1 for the first rom??

 %s and %d1 (after the code is available) will always represent the rom name
or in the case of multi disk games the first disk.

> I think it's not much important if there are only a few games already in

 Currently I'm evaluating several data sources, none of which provided
everything I'd like. At this point I'm seriously considering generating
my own database.

> database. I think if it'll be included in Myth there will be a lot of
> who enter.

 Unfortunately it's been my experience that while users often have the best
of intentions, there is usually little follow through on this sort of thing,

either due to lack of interest, lack of time, or lack of wanting to put in
the effort. And if the database doesn't support the vast majority of what 
I have then it doesn't fit what I want to accomplish. I can tell you that 
I have no intention of entering the data manually for my collection so I 
don't expect users to do it for me :)

 What I am considering is generating a database using many of the available
datasources I have, including raw analysis of the roms themselves. A copy
of this database would be web accessible and users could do lookups,
local copies of information which could be a drop in for mythgame, and 
submit updates.

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