Will MythTv work on Solaris?

        I spent several hours a few months back trying to get
the frontend to compile on Solaris. I didn't get very far.
Unless you are willing to put hundreds of hours in getting
all the code ported, and getting the Solaris V4L APIs
either working or extended to your particular capture card,
I would give up and do the Linux install.
I recommend KnoppMyth for rapid time-to-watching.

        Just in case 100s of hours doesn't deter you:

Nigel Pearson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] | "Gentlemen,
Telstra BI&D, Sydney, Australia       |  you can't fight in here
Office: 8255 4222    Fax:  8255 3153  |  - this is the war room!"
Mobile: 0408 664435  Home: 9792 6998  |      Dr Strangelove

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