On Mon, 15 Aug 2005, Robert Johnston wrote:

Okay, I've tried getting MinGW to compile MythTV, but it can't even
compile LAME.

So, I've tried cross-compiling under Debian, and (After playing with
the configure script to enable cross-compiler prefixes properly), I'm
still running into problems.

Has anyone got Myth to compile (Either in Windows, or Cross-Compiled)?

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could get Myth to compile?

I had it working reasonably well under cygwin a couple of years ago using the qt/win32 port from the kde-cygwin guys, but this doesn't seem to work under cygwin very well. Haven't managed to get around to installing MinGW and trying that.

Are you trying just the frontend, or frontend+backend? The code will probably need a lot of porting to compile a backend under windows...

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