On 9/9/05, Daniel Kristjansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 17:33 +0100, John Pullan wrote:
> > I wonder if Daniel could provide us with a  new current list of problems ?
> As far as I'm aware it's down to two:
>   Mysterious rec vs livetv problem (Adam Egger)
>     Need "mythbackend -v record,channel,siparser" output from
>     both on same channel with latest SVN.
>   DVB lock threshold (John Poet -- DVB driver issue)
>     Need to know driver + driver/kernel version used.

I have tried the stock DVB drivers in the 2.6.12 and 2.6.13 kernels. 
They behave the same.
I have just downloaded the latest DVB patch dated 05Sep05 from the
linuxtv site.  I will try patching a 2.6.13 kernel with it, and see if
that helps.

Playing with azap, I have seen it take up to 20 seconds to get a lock
on that station (KOB-DT 4-1 or 26-3).

Once it gets a lock, it holds it.  Once it gets a lock, I can stop
azap and restart it, and it immediately gets a lock.

If I use azap to tune another station, then try to tune KOB again, it
will once again take up to 20 seconds to get a lock.

If I use azap to tune to another station, then tell it to tune KOB
again and let it try for a second, then *stop* azap and wait 20
seconds, then start azap again, it immediately gets a lock.  It is
like the actual "tuning" process takes a while on that station.

If the latest DVB driver does not help, I am wondering if I can make
Myth retry for up to 20 seconds.  Where would I look in the Myth
source, if I want to play with this?


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